
Day 20----

It's past bedtime--bambi is watching Puffin Rock in our bed and I'm writing at my desk while jesse cooks dinner. Hester just pounced at my elbow. Light is lasting longer now. It's still light-ish out now--the kind of light that's only light by contrast. I can see the neighbors across the street gradually switching on lights-- or their tvs emerging into sight as daylight fades. The emptied apartments, who's humans fled the city, are darkly evident.

Oh and its been 20 days since jesse started working from home and isolation first began-- we were bad at it that first week but I still think it should be recorded. Because no one knew how to do this then. The fact I took the bookcart out that first Saturday of isolation-- and waited in the doubled twice around line in the Knickerbocker Post Office the next Monday to mail my biggest shipment of books ever... both very bad ideas. But I am glad we walked to the new coffee shop around the block everyday for the first week. They opened so recently--I hope they re-open after this.

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